This workshop includes a 3 day overview of the Multisensory Math Approach filmed in New York City in 2018. It was a comprehensive workshop designed to give a solid overview of the approach, strategies and research basis.

This workshop also includes a full day of strategies for teaching Pre-Algebra and Algebra in addition to the overview workshop. We had a large group of participants and they were given sets of manipulatives to encourage practice and use.

Each instructional day consisted of 6 full hours of instruction divided into four 1 1/2 hour blocks. It was filmed with a high definition camera, a document camera and screen capture technology.

Course Curriculum

  Welcome to the Multisensory Math Approach
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Course contents
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day One Video Access: Foundations
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day Two Video Access: Building Concepts for Mathematical Reasoning
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day Three Video Access: Practice Makes Permanent
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day Four Video Access: Thinking Ahead in a Vertical Approach to Math
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Additional Bonus Videos.
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

Hi, I’m Marilyn Zecher, M.A., CALT your Instructor.

I am a frequent presenter at national conferences. My courses have been used for graduate credit at universities and I regularly give workshops at conferences, universities and schools. I teach two graduate level courses in Multisensory Math Methods for teaching all types of learners and I have over 40 years of experience in teaching unique learners privately and in schools.

This course is closed for enrollment.

Meeting the Need of All Learners
UIn this workshop you will learn explicit instruction and language for teaching math in a conceptual approach which can be used with any curriculum or program you are using.

You only need to know the concept you are designated to teach and have the appropriate manipulatives for efficient teaching of the concept. You will also learn how to differentiate so that you meet the needs of all learners

se this area for description text.

Efficient & Effective

Manipulatives must be efficient and effective for the concept being taught. Learn how to effectively teach even complex concepts and fill gaps in student's conceptual and procedural knowledge with this workshop.

We will practice together to work on using manipulative to illustrate core concepts in any standards based curriculum.

Even Older Students Benefit from Hands-on Learning

The need for using manipulatives at all levels of math is offered with a solid rationale and research basis.

We will build linear functions and learned to write the equation of a line from the first lesson. We will demonstrate strategies for supporting the varied needs of students at the pre-algebra and algebra levels.

Certainly we cannot cover this in one day, but this workshop is a good introduction to supporting special needs students at all level of math up to algebra.